English translation ZVS


Zahnärzteversorgung Sachsen (ZVS) is the compulsory pension scheme for all working dentists in Saxony. It provides old-age pensions to all contributing members as well as pensions in the event of permanent or temporary occupational incapacity. ZVS also pays out death benefits as well as pensions for surviving dependents (widows/widowers and orphaned children).

It is a dedicated fund administered by the Landeszahnärztekammer Sachsen (Dental Association of Saxony) and supervised by the Saxon State Ministry for Social Affairs and Social Cohesion (legal supervision) and the Saxon State Ministry for Economic Affairs, Labour and Transport (insurance supervision).

Membership - Participation

All members of the ZVS who practise as dentists in Saxony are legally obliged to participate in the ZVS. The following categories are exempt from compulsory participation:

  • Dentists who are employed as civil servants or who are serving in the armed forces (regular or reservist) and are therefore exempt from statutory pension insurance,
  • Dentists who are incapacitated at the time the conditions for compulsory participation are met, and
  • Dentists who have reached pensionable age.

If the conditions for compulsory participation in the ZVS no longer apply, participation can be continued voluntarily, provided there is no compulsory membership in another professional pension scheme (voluntary participation).

Membership - Contributions

The level of pension due to a member of the scheme is determined by contributions made. In principle, a member is liable for 12% of professional income from dental services rendered in the twelve months prior to the previous calendar year. The minimum contribution is set at 30% of the average contribution and the maximum contribution at twice the average contribution. Employed participants pay at least the same contribution that would be payable under statutory pension insurance.

Employed participants are in principle also subject to compulsory insurance in the statutory pension insurance. In order to avoid paying double contributions to the ZVS and to statutory pension insurance, employed dentists can apply to be exempted from compulsory insurance to the statutory pension insurance. Any such application should be submitted within three months of commencing employment, otherwise the exemption will only take effect from the date on which the application was received by ZVS.

Download application for exemption

Voluntary top-up payments are possible to a maximum of 20% of compulsory contributions. Higher top-up payments to a maximum of the average contribution can be made before the age of 57.

Membership - Benefits

Participants are entitled to draw the following benefits without any waiting period:

  • Pension in the event of temporary occupational incapacity which prevents the member from practising his/her profession as a dentist for a period of more than 6 months,
  • Pension in the event of permanent occupational incapacity,
  • Early retirement pension,
  • Old-age pension,
  • Deferred old-age pension,
  • Child supplements to the pension according to Section 25a of the Articles of the Zahnärzteversorgung Sachsen.

The start date for the pension can be chosen flexibly over a period of 10 years. An informal application to begin drawing a pension should be submitted to ZVS two months before the desired date.

For surviving dependants of deceased participants, ZVS pays:

  • Widow’s/widower’s pension amounting to 60% of retirement pension
  • For child who has lost one parent, a pension amounting to 15% of retirement pension
  • For child who has lost both parents, a pension amounting to 30% of retirement pension

Death benefits amounting to two monthly pension payments.

Download Area

articles of the Zahnärzteversorgung Sachsen (pdf, German) 

ZVS fee regulation (pdf, German)

ZVS declaration form (pdf, German)

notification of change (pdf, German)

privacy statement (pdf, German)

declaration of consent for data exchange with employer (pdf, German)

application for exemption from statutory pension insurance (pdf, German)

Instructions for completion:

Please complete sections 1 to 5 on screen, then print out pages 1 to 3 only (preferably using both sides of the paper). Sign under section 5 on page 3 and submit the application bearing your original signature to ZVS either by post or in person. Page 4 of the application form is for your information only.


The decision-making organs of the pension scheme are the Chamber Assembly of the Dental Association of Saxony (Kammerversammlung der Landeszahnärztekammer), the Administrative Board (Verwaltungsrat) and the Chairman of the Administrative Board.

The Chamber Assembly of the Dental Association of Saxony is responsible for formulating and amending the Articles of the Zahnärzteversorgung Sachsen and ZVS fee regulation. It elects the Administrative Board and its chairman. Furthermore, the Chamber Assembly is responsible for approving the annual budget, for adopting the annual financial statement, for the discharge of the Administrative Board and for appointing the auditor.

The Administrative Board decides on matters concerning the dental pension scheme, unless the Articles dictate otherwise. It defers in matters which are reserved for decision by the Chamber Assembly. In accordance with the Articles, the Administrative Board decides on appeals against decisions made by the administration, on recourse to as well as replenishment of the reserve funds and on other discretionary matters.

The Chairman of the Administrative Board has overall charge of the administration of the dental pension scheme.

The English translation exclusively serves informational purposes; solely the German version is binding.